How To Listen To Meditation Music

How To Listen To Meditation Music

One of the most popular stress management strategies is meditation and for a good reason.

Not only does it build resilience towards stress over time, but its immediate benefits can be enjoyed, such as a calm mind and body.

By combining the positive effects of meditation and music, you can deepen the positive impact of both and achieve more significant stress relief.

So how do you listen to meditation music?

Well, for starters, you need to invest at least 20 minutes of your time in this process. Listening to even one song worth of meditation will restore your energy and reduce stress levels. So invest as much time in listening to meditation music as your schedule allows.

There are further tips that you should make use of to get the maximum benefit from this process.

Everything from your choice of meditation music to getting into a comfortable position and staying focused will help you achieve the desired results.

Meditation Music Listening

Young Woman Listening To Music While Meditating

Start by choosing music that can help you relax. Ultimately this involves finding the music you enjoy listening to.

So if classical music is not your cup of tea, don’t choose it.

Just because your friend listens to it and it works for them doesn’t mean it will work for you, especially if you don’t particularly like it.

Music that has a slower tempo is recommended. Music without lyrics is especially helpful since the lyrics can distract you.

What you don’t want to do when it comes to meditation music is to engage your conscious mind, and words will surely do that.

The conscious mind should be turned off during this process. Find a comfortable place in your home and relax.

While some people believe in sitting with their legs crossed and others use a meditation cushion, you should go with whatever feels best for you.

If you don’t want to lie down for fear of falling off to sleep, then try sitting in a comfortable position.

Falling off to sleep while laying down is a huge probability if you are tired. Once you have found that relaxing position, close your eyes, and loosen your muscles.

Also, try to breathe through your diaphragm. The muscles in your face, shoulders, and belly should all be completely relaxed.

Breathing Exercise

Block out everything else and remain focused on the music until the end of your session.

If thoughts come into your head, which they probably will, let them go gently and redirect your focus to the music, the present moment and the sensations you feel in your body.

These physical sensations are invoked by the music. So try to really feel the music.

Although music can thrill and excite you, certain types of music can calm and relax you. Many people have started using music while they meditate because it helps them unwind. 

Once you start meditation, silence can become intimidating. Music brings reassurance and familiarity when starting the journey of meditation.

Music also has the ability to induce a specific feeling or emotion in you.

Depending on your choice of music, the meditation process can calm and relax you. If you meditate straight after work, this is a huge bonus.

Some sounds can inspire different feelings in you, such as rapture or waves of energy. This too can benefit you when it comes to focusing.

For some people, music induces a powerful state, and this has a wealth of benefits like increased concentration and greater awareness of your surroundings.

Using music mixed with binaural beats is also a great idea. If you’ve never heard of binaural beats before, these are sounds that produce specific stimuli in the brain.

Depending on the different frequencies of tones, various brain waves are produced. Lots of people use these beats for increasing alpha wave production.

Alpha waves are associated with a deep state of relaxation.

Tips for Listening to Meditation Music

  • Make wise music selections and don’t be afraid to choose what you enjoy listening to
  • Get into a comfortable position. It doesn’t have to be the cliche legs-crossed position
  • Try to stay focused on the music for as long as possible. When confronted with a drifting mind, gently bring it back to the task at hand.
  • Choose music with a slow tempo
  • Really get into it and feel the music

16 Ways to Benefit from Listening to Meditation Music

Some of the ways music may help you relax and meditate:

1. Rejuvenate in a Warm Bath

Woman Relaxing In Bath

You need a little time for yourself and what better way to unwind than by soaking in a warm bath while listening to meditation music — lights some candles to get the most out of this experience.

2. Studying and Reading

Lots of people admit to enjoying meditation music while they are reading. Students have also revealed that meditation music makes their studying more productive.

3. Morning Inspiration

The rest of your day will be filled with harmony if you start it off with gratitude and inner peace.

Listen to relaxing music first thing in the morning and maintain your tranquil mood throughout the day.

4. Tantra and Intimacy

Enhancing the intimate experience between you and your partner is easily achieved by listening to tantra music.

You will connect with your partner on a deeper level once you reach a level of inner peace.

5. Heightened Concentration

When you are more relaxed or less tense, you can even double your productivity. Meditation music will help you focus.

More people admit to accomplishing more while listening to music for meditation

6. Pain Reduction

If you suffer from physical pain, music for meditation can help ease that pain.

Patients who have undergone surgery and listened to soothing music required fewer painkillers after surgery.

This type of music can also help manage chronic pain in people.

7. Soothing Babies

Meditation music has a calming effect on babies and young children. It is, therefore, a great help to parents before bedtime. Children also fall asleep easier and stay asleep longer.

8. Reduces Anxiety During Air Travel

Couple In Airplane

Traveling by airplane can be a daunting experience for lots of flyers. However, listening to calming music just before and during your flight will reduce anxiety and stress.

The soothing music makes the atmosphere around you serene.

9. Pacing Yourself While You Eat

Eating slowly and being relaxed while doing so plays a huge role in indigestion. Mealtimes are made better for you and your family hen surrounded by relaxing music.

Eating fast also contributes to weight gain according to recent studies. So avoid doing so at all costs.

10. Deeper Sleep

Many people find that listening to meditation music is relaxing especially before drifting off into a deep sleep.

In fact, this type of music can help you fall asleep quicker and enjoy a deeper sleep. This leaves you refreshed when you wake up the next morning.

11. Life-Balance

Creating a sense of balance in life, especially with the hectic schedules that people have these days, is hard.

However, music for meditation can help you achieve a peace zone during your day and align with nature.

12. Healing and Renewal

Studies show that when the mind and body are relaxed, the body heals much faster. By listening to music for meditation, you will help your body release its healing power.

These positive benefits have been seen in patients after surgery. Those who were relaxed recovered quicker than those who were not at peace.

13. Relaxing your Body

Irrespective of what activities you are doing such as acupuncture or spa treatment, deep massage, sitting quietly in your garden or having a Reiki session, meditation music can help you get the most out of it.

Once you listen to this music and surrender to relaxation, it will allow you to enjoy a deeper experience.

14. Fulfilling Yoga Sessions

Women On Yoga Class

Even yoga sessions are made better with a little bit of meditation music. It assists your mental chatter in fading away gently.

Yoga also becomes more enjoyable with some pleasant and relaxing music in the background.

15. Easier Meditation

Relaxing music or meditation music helps to quiet the mind. It also enables you to enter a deep stillness and inner peace.

16. Stress Reduction

The number one reason why people listen to meditation music is to reduce stress. So music for meditation has a calming effect on you and makes you feel an overall sense of well-being.

Related Questions

Can Meditation music help you study?

Yes, it can indeed. Since it places you in a relaxed and stress-free state of mind, your alpha brain waves start to increase, and this ensures you absorb more information while learning.

What are the benefits of meditation music?

Listening to meditation music has many benefits such as reducing stress, improving concentration, inducing deeper and more restful sleep as well as making spa and yoga sessions more enjoyable.

How to make the most out of meditation music?

You should devote enough time to a meaningful session. You should also ensure that you are comfortable and stay focused on the music for as long as possible.

Also, choose songs with low tempos and those that are free from lyrics for an optimal experience.


  • Nature Sound Retreat

    We're the group of holistic healers with a passion for sound therapy, meditation, and the benefits that music and noise can offer our bodies and minds. With over 10 years of experience teaching others about inner peace and how to achieve it with ease, we hope to share that knowledge on Nature Sound Therapy for you to enjoy for yourself.