Guide to Ziva meditation

Ziva Meditation: Everything You Need To Know

If you usually associate meditation with mindfulness, you might find the Ziva meditation technique interesting.

This is because it combines mindfulness with other elements.

Who’s it right for?

This type of meditation is useful for you if you battle to clear your mind during a meditation session or simply don’t have enough time to dedicate to it on a regular basis.

Best of all, you don’t have to clear your mind – you can still meditate even when your thoughts are all over the place. With that in mind, here’s everything you need to know about it. 

What, Exactly, Is Ziva Meditation?

emily fletscher book

Ziva meditation was designed for people who don’t have a lot of time in their busy schedules to meditate and who want to try an alternative way of accessing their inner silence.

What’s great about the Ziva meditation style is that it views the thoughts that run through your mind during meditation as being part of the meditation process, instead of something that you should try to eliminate.

Ziva is so powerful because it combines meditation, manifesting, and mindfulness.

Basically, your mind won’t be clear throughout the meditation because you will use it to manifest your ultimate desires to lead the most satisfying life you can.  

Brief History Of Ziva Meditation 

founder of ziva meditation

By now you’re probably wondering how the Ziva technique came about.

Ziva was brought to the world as a result of a woman from the U.S. called Emily Fletcher. After working for many years as an understudy on Broadway, Fletcher expressed feeling exhausted, anxious, and battling to sleep.

To help herself, she learned meditation and achieved healthier mental health. She left Broadway and moved to India for three years of teacher training, during which she founded Ziva meditation.

Fletcher is now an expert in meditation for high performance. She’s taught meditation to executives at various popular global companies, such as Google and Viacom, and she’s helped high-profile people such as Oscar winners, NBA players, and entrepreneurs.

She’s also written a book on meditation called Stress Less, Accomplish More: The 15-Minute Meditation Programme For Extraordinary Performance. 

The Three Stages Of Ziva Meditation 

three stages of ziva meditation

Now that we’ve looked at what Ziva and its founder are about, there are three main stages of Ziva meditation and this is the order they take.

1. Mindfulness 

The first part of Ziva is mindfulness. This is when you use a variety of techniques to try to bring your focus to the present moment, such as with different breathing exercises. This helps to ground or center you.

This part of the meditation also helps you to rid yourself of stress that you’re feeling in the present moment, such as if you had a fight with your spouse or a really stressful day at the office.

2. Meditation

The meditation part comes next. This is when your metabolic rate slows down, your breathing becomes shallow, and you drift into a rest that is refreshing to your soul. This part of the Ziva technique also helps you to deal with stress from the past.

During meditation, you also engage in what’s known as “whisper of an echo,” which is basically the sub-vocalization of an impersonal word, such as “one.” This helps your body and mind to enter that restful, deeply relaxed state.

It’s good to note here that mantras are a big part of the Ziva meditation technique. It is centered on the ancient mantra technique of subvocally reciting a multi-syllable nonsense word while allowing thoughts to float around in  your mind. This requires a mental state that’s very relaxed and effortless.

3. Manifesting

Once you’re in a relaxed state, the manifesting part of the meditation can be achieved. This basically involves tuning into and visualizing your goals and dreams so that you gain greater clarity about them and achieve them when you’re leading your everyday life. 

How Long Should Ziva Meditation Take?

The Ziva technique should be 25 minutes long. The mindfulness phase should last for two to three minutes, then the meditation phase should take 14 to 16 minutes.

You should finally take two to three minutes to do the manifestation part of the technique.

How Ziva Meditation Differs From Other Meditation 

How Ziva Meditation Differs From Other Meditation

It’s clear to see that the Ziva technique has some big differences compared to regular meditation that you might already be used to, such as that you don’t have to try to eliminate your thoughts.

You also basically work with what you have, which gives you the power to do this meditation whenever you want, wherever you want. Here are some other differences that you’ll experience with Ziva.

  • Ziva meditation allows you to focus and use your thoughts, instead of just clearing your mind, such as by enabling you to manifest your dreams.
  • In addition to the above, instead of focusing on trying to meditate in order to become more skilled at meditation, the goal of Ziva is to meditate so that you become better at life. Ziva is therefore useful in that it teaches you skills, such as when it comes to manifesting, so that you can improve your life.
  • When you take part in Ziva meditation, you don’t have to worry too much about surrounding noises. It’s quite a bit more flexible in that you can do it wherever you are. This is especially good for people who have very stressful and busy lives as they might want to enjoy a quick meditation session during a hectic day. 

Ziva also varies from meditation apps in the following ways:

  • Meditation apps focus on how you can eliminate stress in the moment, whereas Ziva removes it at the cellular level so you can feel better all the time. 
  • Unlike with a meditation app, you don’t have to be connected to your device in order to meditate when you practice the Ziva technique. 
  • Often, meditation apps don’t give you access to meditation teachers. By comparison, with the Ziva technique you get live monthly coaching sessions with Emily Fletcher.  
  • You might feel the lack of a supportive community when using meditation apps. With Ziva, you have a global, yet private, community that offers you support on your quest. 

What Are The Benefits Of Ziva Meditation?

  • You can encourage feelings of calm whenever you really need them, such as if you have to do a work presentation or attend a function.
  • You can eliminate stress and fear, as Ziva meditation helps you tune into your body and the present moment.
  • You can get better control of your response to stress. As you know, long-term exposure to stress can be toxic to your body and mind, resulting in a reduced attention span, mood swings, decreased performance in your career, and health problems.
  • The Ziva technique helps you to discover the patterns in your everyday life as it expands your consciousness. This makes you much more aware of your thoughts, feelings, and sensations, some of which you might not be aware of but which could help you gain control over stress and find greater fulfillment in your life.
  • By combining mindfulness and meditation with manifestation, you can help to boost your creativity, imagination, and intuition, all of which will help to improve your life. For example, you will find more creative solutions to problems or discover your true purpose. 

How Can You Meditate If You Don’t Have A Lot Of Time?

meditation step

It should be a relief to know that Ziva was designed for high achievers who lead busy, stressful lives.

It might not always feel achievable for you to incorporate meditation into your life if you’re extremely busy or have kids. Here are some important things to bear in mind.

  1. Don’t let “great” be the enemy of “good.” While you want to strive for greatness or perfection, you shouldn’t let that hold you back from doing meditation even if it’s not perfect! You might not always have enough time for 12 or more minutes of meditation, but you might have time for five. It’s better to do some instead of nothing and start reaping the benefits.
  2. Allow yourself to be creative. You might have a traditional idea in your mind of how meditation should occur. Maybe you think of sitting cross-legged on the floor or in a peaceful garden. But this isn’t always the reality of the situation. You might have to meditate when you’re in the car or bus on your way to work, for example, and that’s okay.
  3. Get some support. If you want to make meditation a priority in your life, it can help you to reel in some support from your loved ones so that they know you need to make time for meditation. It will really help you to commit to the practice. And, as Emily Fletcher states, when you meditate regularly it can only help those around you because they’ll love that you’re less stressed, more energetic, and more productive. 

Related Questions 

How much does the Ziva cost?

You can expect to pay $399 to sign up for Ziva, which includes six-month access to the 15-day training, six months of coaching with Emily, and six months of advanced training sent to your inbox.

What is the Ziva trial?

On the Ziva Meditation website, you can choose to sign up to the Ziva meditation technique and learn how to meditate to reap its rewards. You can also make use of a free trial that lasts for 15 days. 


If you lead a busy, stressful life, you might not always have the time to dedicate to meditation.

Ziva meditation means that you can still reap the benefits of meditation without having to find quiet stretches of time in your day.

In this guide, we’ve introduced you to Ziva meditation so that you can see why it offers so many benefits for your life and how you can get started with it. 



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