A person meditating

Healing Meditation: A Journey to Physical and Emotional Wellbeing

Do you often feel overwhelmed, stressed, or worried about situations in life? If you experience pain, tension, or stress regularly, meditation is one of the most effective ways to bring relief while increasing your sense of peace and awareness.

It’s a popular practice that can take on many forms, whether you set aside time at home to meditate in a quiet, dimly lit room or you take a five-minute break at work to gather your thoughts and relax. Meditation can offer you inner healing and support your personal development.

What Is Meditation, and How Does it Work?

Meditation is a simple practice that you can use anywhere: at home, at work, or while traveling. The intention of meditation is to both calm and focus your mind so that you can discover greater tranquility within.

While you can set the mood with soothing music or background sounds, no special equipment or items are necessary. Meditation is a flexible and versatile practice that can fit into your schedule and your daily routine. There are lots of different types of meditation that can be used for different goals and purposes.

Once you begin meditating, you’ll experience a calm mind and body, stress reduction, pain relief, and decreased anxiety. It’s an inexpensive and easy way to improve your focus while discovering more inner peace and contentment.

Historically, meditation was practiced to enhance the understanding of life while finding a deeper spiritual purpose. These days, meditation is commonly used to reduce stress and chronic pain and achieve a balanced mind. It’s a popular alternative healing tool that improves your emotional and physical wellbeing.

A woman meditating outdoors

Different Forms of Meditation

There are a variety of meditation practices that can help you achieve inner peace and relaxation. While these techniques vary, they aim to provide the same mental stillness and inner calm with regular practice.

Guided Meditation

A guided meditation is any meditation practice in which an instructor guides you through the session. These meditations can be on any topic and they are very useful for beginners.

Guided meditations are often taught in group settings but can also be found in meditation apps or online. If you are new to meditation, starting with guided meditations is a great way to learn the basics and start to strengthen your mindfulness skills.


This form of meditation helps you envision images or scenes that can help you achieve peace and relaxation. These images may include beautiful places in nature, relaxation of the body, the flow of the breath, or the energy of the chakras.

Visualization techniques are also used to enhance performance in athletes, actors, musicians, and other entertainers. You can use visualization any time you’d like to set your sights on a positive future outcome or take a break from the world and transport yourself to a peaceful place.

Mindfulness Meditation

This form of meditation helps you increase awareness of the present moment, which can help you release stressful thoughts about the past or worries about the future.

It’s a practice based on being mindful of the thoughts and sensations arising in you moment by moment while increasing your conscious awareness and acceptance of anything that arises.

During a mindfulness meditation session, you focus on your breath and any feelings or thoughts that may pass through your mind and body without making judgments or trying to change what you notice.

Tai Chi

Tai Chi is a form of martial arts that combines gentle movements and postures with deep breathing and meditation. It’s a helpful way of relieving stress while improving flexibility and strength. Like yoga, it’s widely practiced around the world and can become a lifetime practice that maintains mental and physical fitness into old age.

Qi Gong

This Chinese medicine practice combines gentle, flowing movements, breathing techniques, and meditation to achieve balance, energetic harmony, and inner peace.

Mantra Meditation

A mantra meditation involves repeating a word or phrase silently or out loud to help focus the mind and reduce distractions. The mantra is typically a calming word or phrase such as, “love” or “I am at peace.”

Traditional mantras are in languages like Sanskrit, and they have deep spiritual meaning and implications. Repeating peaceful words and phrases helps shift your perspective, your mood, and your energy. 


Yoga is an ancient practice that increases physical strength, flexibility, and balance while encouraging mental focus and stillness. Many people today don’t realize that yoga was originally created as a practice that quieted the body in preparation for meditation. As such, meditation is deeply ingrained in the practice of yoga.

These days, many communities have local yoga studios where you can take a class, or you can check out Youtube for lots of free yoga videos for all different levels and abilities. 

A woman meditating in a park

Healing Benefits of Meditation

Helps Support Addiction Treatment

The inner stillness and awareness you experience during a meditation session can help you focus on recovery from addiction. Practicing mindfulness helps you bring more awareness to cravings and addictive patterns so that you can consciously choose healthier behaviors.

Meditation can help you discover greater self-compassion, healing, and forgiveness so that you can overcome self-destructive habits and discover more self-love.

Better Sleep

If you struggle to sleep or suffer from insomnia or other sleeping disorders, you may find that just a few minutes of meditation in the evening can alleviate worries and stressors that can interfere with a good night’s rest. It’s a great way to quiet mental rumination while focusing on the present and allowing your mind and body to relax completely before sleep.

Improving Self-Awareness

By developing self-awareness through regular meditation, you’ll begin to understand your motives, feelings, and beliefs on a deeper level. This will allow you to overcome blocks and barriers, achieve your goals, and realize your potential.

Meditation allows you to get to know yourself and your mind, helping you befriend your internal environment and live from an authentic place.

Final Thoughts

Meditation is a powerful healing tool that can benefit your physical, emotional, and mental health. Whether you practice meditation on your own for just a few minutes a day or join a Tai Chi, yoga, or guided meditation class, you’ll find the benefits offer both short-term and long-lasting effects, improving the quality of your life and wellbeing.

It’s an important practice that you can begin at any stage in life, and it’s a great way to connect with others in a group setting or to practice alone and enjoy in solitude.

One of the best things about meditation is that it can travel with you wherever you go. It meets you where you are and supports you on your journey to becoming the best version of yourself.


  • Gia Snyder

    Gia is a yoga & meditation teacher, spiritual teacher, energy healer, and musician. She has a Bachelor's degree from San Diego State University in Kinesiology with a minor in Psychology. She also studied at YogaWell Institute and received a Hatha Yoga Teacher Certification. Visit LinkedIn page.