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Resetting Your Internal Clock: Fix Your Sleep Schedule

Do you work long hours or a double shift often? It’s not uncommon to stay up all night to study for an exam, experience jet lag after a long flight, or struggle to maintain balance in a sleep-wake cycle.

When this happens, it means your circadian rhythm or internal clock is off and doesn’t function properly. Circadian rhythm is your body’s 24-hour clock, which regulates your sleeping cycle. 

Setting a healthy sleep schedule is important to avoid the common challenges of disrupted sleep patterns. When you don’t get enough quality rest, there’s a significant impact on the immune system, digestion, organs, and cognitive function.

Since our bodies function on this internal timer, disrupting the regular sleep schedule hurts hormonal balance and immunity strength. This article provides practical tips for resetting your internal clock, fixing your sleep schedule, and avoiding the pitfalls of disruptions or erratic rest.

It’s important to understand how your circadian rhythm, your body’s clock, influences your sleep-wake cycle, how to recognize symptoms of poor sleep and irregularities and identify the underlying causes to strategize for an effective treatment.

Understanding Your Circadian Rhythm

A circadian rhythm is a 24-hour cycle in which your body goes through various mental, physical, and behavioral changes. It’s a natural process that impacts most living beings, including plants, animals, and microbes, which change how they behave or react to day and night cycles.

These natural cycles influence your sleep-wake cycle. During the night, your body produces higher melatonin levels, which helps regulate sleep in conjunction with your sleep-wake cycle. When your body doesn’t produce enough melatonin, you’ll experience disruption and insufficient rest, leading to difficulty concentrating the next morning.

While it’s typical to sleep during the night and stay awake during the day, changes to your work schedule, such as shift work, long hours at school or the office, and jet lag, can impact how well your circadian rhythm functions. 

What Are the Signs of a Disrupted Sleep Schedule?

Various signs indicate a disrupted sleep schedule. You might think of your sleep schedule as flexible and may attribute any trouble achieving good rest to ongoing stress or difficult situations occurring in your life.

Ongoing pressure at work or school, stressful events, and trauma can significantly impact your circadian rhythm or internal clock. Signs of disrupted sleep or possible sleep disorders include the following:

  • Difficulty focusing on daily responsibilities and tasks at home and work.
  • You cannot stay awake in the evening and feel excessively sleepy during the day.
  • It’s challenging to wake up in the morning, and when you do, you feel dizzy and tired.
  • You’re more stressed than usual in relationships and in meeting social obligations.
  • Poor performance at school and work and failing to meet deadlines
  • Depression
  • Insomnia and difficulty reaching REM sleep or staying asleep consistently throughout the night.

Many health consequences result from chronic sleep disturbances, which can develop into short-term issues and, eventually, cumulative long-term effects of sleep deprivation. There is an increased risk of developing a sleeping disorder, making establishing a healthy sleep routine more challenging.

A consistent lack of sleep also contributes to various conditions and illnesses, including heart disease, depression, diabetes, hypertension, and stroke.

For this reason, it’s crucial to establish a healthy sleep routine to avoid losing sleep continuously, which can lead to various medical conditions and further complications in the long term.

latin woman practicing meditation indoors

The impact on daily productivity and well-being may seem gradual at first, though over time, sleep-related disorders have a major impact on your decision-making ability on the job, how often you have meals and a higher risk of vehicular accidents and injuries.

Not only does sleep disruption put you at risk, it becomes a public health and safety issue. In the long run, excessive sleep loss can lead to chronic medical conditions requiring consistent treatment, with an increased chance of obesity, heart problems, and premature aging due to a lack of rest.

You’ll also have difficulty completing routine tasks at work or studying for final exams at school. 

Identifying the Causes of Your Sleep Schedule Disruption

The root causes of disruptions to your circadian rhythm or sleep schedule include both internal and external factors. It’s not uncommon when many of these aspects go unnoticed, as they play a major role in our lives, whether we’re aware of them or not. 

External factors include work, a change in schedule, lifestyle, and social obligations. When your schedule at work changes, or you spend long periods of time out, late at night, socializing with friends, you’ll shift your sleeping pattern to a later time.

While one or two instances typically don’t affect your sleep schedule, repeated changes and inconsistencies can create difficulties sleeping at night. Internal factors impacting your sleep include medical conditions, stress, and anxiety.

Stress is one of the most likely causes of disrupted sleep, as it can arise from a number of sources, including work-related pressure, family relations, financial concerns, and other factors.

Remaining aware of how outside sources and situations impact your health can help you better manage stress and anxiety and how they affect sleep. 

We can control several changes, such as ditching unhealthy habits so that we can sleep soundly at night. These include avoiding too much screen time before bed, establishing consistent, regular meal times, not eating too soon before sleep, and avoiding caffeine and alcohol in the evening. 

Strategies on How to Fix Your Sleep Schedule

Whether you’re a night owl or a natural early riser, a normal circadian rhythm is consistent, even if it varies from one individual to another.

While some people may seek medical treatment, including sleeping pills, visiting with a sleep specialist, and alternative methods, which can relieve your sleep schedule. Initially, there are easy steps you can take to improve your sleep pattern and enjoy a good night’s rest.

Gradual Adjustments: Shifting Bedtime and Wake-Up Time

Consistency is of utmost importance when setting a sleep schedule. It’s also vital to make small, gradual changes to your schedule so that your mind and body adjust without any adverse effects.

A regular sleep routine is essential to achieving a healthy lifestyle. When you set a healthy sleeping schedule, you’ll naturally fall asleep easily and wake up in the morning feeling refreshed and ready to start the day. 

When your routine changes, such as in shift work, it’s important to keep your sleep routine consistent, whether you stick close to your previous schedule or completely adapt to a new one. If you take time off over the weekend or holidays, it’s crucial to maintain the same schedule to avoid poor sleep.

Creating a Sleep-Conducive Environment

Do you minimize distractions, sounds, and interference in your bedroom before sleep? Creating a calm, relaxing environment with minimal light and no distractions is essential to practicing good sleep hygiene.

Not only is healthy sleep important for good rest, but it’s also crucial for physical and mental health, according to the Sleep Foundation. It’s also a great way to reset and establish good sleeping habits to enjoy quality rest and a sense of renewal in the morning.

How can you create healthy sleep hygiene? Implementing a good sleeping pattern will help treat insomnia, reduce sleep apnea symptoms, and ease you into a restful, peaceful sleep.

Here are a few ways you can reset your internal clock and improve sleep quality:

  • Maintain a dark, cool, and quiet bedroom. Turn off lights, even dim lighting, and prevent outside lighting from entering the room while you sleep. Investing in blackout curtains or window blinds is important if you work the night shift, which can block sunlight and city lights and interfere with melatonin production.
  • Reduce noise, especially any sounds from a television or electronic device, which also produces a distracting light or glow. If you find sleeping with complete silence challenging, use a white noise machine or relaxing sounds to ease your sleep.
  • Invest in the best mattress, high-grade bedding, blankets, and pillows. If you sleep better with a full-body pillow or relax with a certain type of bedding material, consider which options work best and optimize your bedroom.
  • Allow between a half hour and an hour to prepare for bedtime, whether you listen to gentle music, meditate, or practice yoga.

Establishing a Bedtime Routine

Maintain the same bedtime every day, and if you have to change your sleeping schedule, make minimal shifts, wherever possible, to avoid any negative impact. When you establish a bedtime routine, this will help you to avoid excessive sleep or disruptions.

At the same time, it may be tempting to engage in vigorous exercise or activities to tire yourself before bed; this may have the opposite effect. Instead, practice relaxation techniques, such as yoga, meditation, or gentle movements that ease you into a state of calmness.

Diet and Exercise

You’ll enjoy better sleep when you follow a better diet and avoid drinking coffee late in the evening, and skip alcohol. If you’re a regular coffee drinker, it’s best to stick with the morning or early afternoon and limit the amount you consume.

Drinking or consuming anything with caffeine can impact quality sleep, which should be avoided. While alcoholic beverages can help you relax and may appear to improve sleep, they can also disrupt your sleep pattern and your circadian clock.

If you decide to enjoy a glass of wine or a cocktail, it’s best to indulge earlier in the evening to minimize the impact of alcohol on your ability to rest well. Consuming alcohol late into the evening can lead to drowsiness, offsetting your circadian rhythm and resulting in fragmented sleep.

It’s especially important to remember when you drink your last coffee or alcoholic beverage if you have a sleeping disorder such as sleep apnea or insomnia. 

Incorporating regular exercise will help your body stay in sync with your circadian clock and help you maintain healthy melatonin levels so you can sleep well during the night and wake up feeling refreshed and energetic.

If you find that your environment is challenging for quality sleep, blackout curtains to minimize light exposure are essential. Exercise can be tiring, but it helps you sleep when needed. These small lifestyle changes can have a drastic effect on your sleep schedule.

Managing Stress and Anxiety

When you practice stress-reduction techniques, you’ll enjoy better quality sleep. Practicing meditation and mindfulness can help reduce the impact of stress on the body. There are a number of ways to reduce anxiety and stress before bedtime to promote better sleep:

Limiting Screen Time Before Bedtime

It’s tempting to look at your phone, text with friends, or catch up on a few social media posts just before bed. When you scroll frequently before bed, the screen from your mobile device can negatively impact the amount of melatonin your body produces, which reduces healthy sleep.

For this reason, it’s vital to establish a digital curfew to avoid staring at a blue screen before sleep, which can disrupt your internal clock.

When you restrict melatonin, it becomes more difficult to reach REM sleep and will ultimately disrupt your circadian rhythm. If you need to check a few urgent messages before bedtime, do so no less than thirty minutes before you go to sleep.

Tips for Staying on Track

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How can you improve your sleep and avoid disruptions during the night or a lack of rest in general? The following tips are useful in keeping your sleep patterns consistent while helping you adopt new ideas and habits to get the most out of a good night’s rest.

  • Monitor your progress. Keep a sleep journal, and make note of any disturbances, changes, or experiences that have impacted your sleep. Also, write any useful practices that improve your rest, such as gentle exercise or avoiding screen time for one hour before bedtime.
  • Seeking professional help, if necessary, and consulting with a sleep specialist or clinic can help provide the required treatment you’ll need for healthy rest.
  • Be patient and stay consistent with any changes you make. You may notice that adjusting to a new sleeping schedule takes time, especially if you’re a shift worker. Avoid any quick fixes and give yourself time to adapt. 
  • Prepare ahead, as much as possible, if you anticipate a change in your sleeping schedule due to external factors.


The long-term benefits of maintaining a healthy sleep schedule are essential in avoiding many chronic illnesses and risks to heart health, poor diet, diabetes, and other conditions.

It’s important to prioritize sleep, as it plays a key role in overall well-being, and any prolonged disturbances or disorders can cause significant damage to your health.

When you take action now to implement good sleep hygiene, you’ll enjoy a sense of renewal every morning, greater focus, productivity, and overall balance in health and life.


  • Nature Sound Retreat

    We're the group of holistic healers with a passion for sound therapy, meditation, and the benefits that music and noise can offer our bodies and minds. With over 10 years of experience teaching others about inner peace and how to achieve it with ease, we hope to share that knowledge on Nature Sound Therapy for you to enjoy for yourself.

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