Reiki used to cure sleep disorder

Reiki for Sleep: Can It Help With Insomnia and Improve Sleep

According to Goodbody, around 237 Million people globally have sleep problems or insomnia. Because of that, more and more people are looking for alternative ways to get a good night’s rest. One of those ways is Reiki.

Reiki is a natural, gentle, and effective energy therapy that supports the body’s ability to heal on all levels- physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

In this write-up, we try to understand Reiki and how it can help a person challenged with sleep disorders sleep better.

What Is Reiki?

Reiki healing tradition

Reiki is a form of energy healing from Japan. It is based on the idea that an invisible life force energy connects all living things and that this energy can be used to heal the mind, body, and spirit. 

During a Reiki treatment, the practitioner will place their hands on or near the client’s body, channeling the life force energy into them. It is said to help promote balance and harmony within the body, leading to improved physical and emotional well-being.

Reiki is a safe and gentle therapy for people of all ages and backgrounds. While it is not a substitute for medical care, many people find that it can complement traditional treatment modalities and provide valuable support during times of stress.

It complements other medical or therapeutic techniques to reduce side effects and promote recovery. Although there is no scientific evidence that Reiki is effective, some believe it can help with various conditions, including anxiety.

Why is Reiki Effective?

  • Reiki reduces tension in the body
  • Reiki helps one gather focus and perspective over their circumstance
  • Reiki seeks to rebuild damaged interpersonal perceptions

Reiki is said to help people connect, and many clients report feeling supported by their practitioners. These relationships can improve mental health by reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Different Kinds of Sleeping Disorders

Different Kinds of Sleeping Disorders

Different types of sleeping disorders can affect people of all ages.

The most common type of sleeping disorder is insomnia, which is characterized by difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep. Different factors like stress, anxiety, and medications can cause insomnia. 

Narcolepsy is another common sleep disorder. It is also a result of many factors, including genetics and neurological disorders. Narcoleptics experience excessive daytime sleepiness and sudden bouts of sleep. 

Sleep apnea is a more severe sleep disorder characterized by pauses in breathing during sleep. Various factors, including obesity and smoking, can cause sleep apnea. 

Other sleeping disorders, such as restless leg syndrome, night terrors, Cataplexy, sleep paralysis, and hypnagogic hallucinations, are equally concerning and can affect people’s day-to-day lives.

How do Sleeping Disorders Influence Your Mind and Body

Sleeping disorders can have a significant impact on both your mind and body. Here are a few ways the lack of sleep affects us:

  • Fatigue: When you don’t get enough sleep, you’re likely to feel tired during the day. It can make concentrating at work or school difficult and increase your risk of accidents.
  • Moodiness: Lack of sleep can also lead to irritability, anxiety, and depression. If you’re having trouble sleeping, you may feel more stressed than usual.
  • Weakened immune system: Getting enough sleep is vital for a robust immune system. When you don’t get enough sleep, your body cannot fight infection as effectively. It can lead to more colds and illnesses.
  • Weight gain: Studies have concluded a connection between less sleep and weight gain. It may be because sleep deprivation disrupts hormones that regulate appetite.
  • Decreased sex drive: Sleep and sex are controlled by the same hormone (testosterone) in the body. So it’s not surprising that a lack of sleep can lead to a decreased sex drive.

How Can Reiki Help With Sleeping Disorders

Sleeping Disorder Fatigue

According to the Biological Research for Nursing, Reiki could have some potential benefits, such as:

  • Reducing stress
  • Improving mood
  • Decreasing blood pressure

The relaxation response is a physiological state that is the opposite of the fight-or-flight response. The fight-or-flight response is a survival mechanism triggered by perceived danger or stress.

The body prepares for action by releasing cortisol and other stress hormones. It can lead to an increase in heart rate and blood pressure. In contrast, the relaxation response is characterized by a heart rate and blood pressure decrease.

Various activities, including meditation, yoga, and deep breathing, can similarly induce the relaxation response. The study’s authors said that people could effectively use Reiki to elicit a relaxation response.

Another way Reiki is said to help is by improving sleep quality. Reiki practitioners use their hands to channel energy into the body, promoting relaxation and reducing stress.

Reiki may also help treat other conditions that can cause sleep problems, such as anxiety and depression.

You can also use Reiki music or recordings to help you relax and fall asleep. There are many different types of Reiki music, but they often feature soft, calming instrumental sounds. Some people find that listening to Reiki music before bed can help them sleep better.

Reiki Session For Better Sleep

Reiki Session for Sleeping

Reiki is a form of energy healing in which the practitioner transfers energy to the patient through touch. The therapist will place their hands on or over specific body parts, without causing any pain. In some cases, crystals or stones may be used to assist with the vibrations. 

A typical Reiki session lasts around an hour. Reiki has been shown to be helpful in reducing stress and promoting relaxation. The experience helps to improve sleep quality by reducing anxiety and promoting a sense of calm.

As a result, many people report feeling very relaxed during and after a Reiki session. This sense of relaxation can often help to improve sleep quality.

What can you do to make your Reiki Session more effective?

While Reiki is generally safe and gentle, there are some things you can do to help make your session more effective.

First, try to get plenty of exercise during the day. This will help to release any tension you may be holding in your body and make it easier to relax at night. Second, limit your caffeine intake close to bedtime. Caffeine can interfere with sleep, so it’s best to avoid it in the evening. Third, drink alcohol in moderation. While a small amount of alcohol may help you fall asleep, too much can actually disrupt your sleep cycle. 

Finally, avoid heavy meals before sleep. Eating a big meal right before bed can lead to indigestion and make it difficult to fall asleep.

Can You Learn Reiki by Yourself?

Kelsey Patel-Reiki masters

One of the great things about Reiki is that it’s relatively easy to learn. However, it’s essential to understand that you can only learn Reiki from a qualified Reiki master. 

While many books and websites claim to offer self-study courses in Reiki, the truth is that these methods cannot provide you with the necessary attunements required to practice Reiki. To receive these attunements, you must be trained by a qualified Reiki master.

One way to find a reputable Reiki master is to ask friends that practice Reiki with whom they studied. You can also check with your local community center or holistic health clinic, as they may be able to refer you to a qualified instructor.

While finding a qualified teacher is essential, be encouraged if you have to search a bit to find one. The effort will be well worth it once you begin your journey as a practicing Reiki healer.


Reiki is an attractive alternative method of battling sleeping disorders with a lot of potential benefits, such as reducing day-to-day stress, anxiety, and more.

However, it’s important to remember that Reiki is not a cure-all for everyone. Be sure to speak with a qualified practitioner before deciding whether Reiki suits you.


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