Do you ever feel a sense of calm when a storm approaches? The sounds of distant thunder, a change in temperature, and wind can relax our minds and bodies. You may experience less stress during this time, and as the storm progresses, you hear the soothing sounds of rain against the windows and roof.
Many people feel tired or more sleepy than usual during a storm, which is due to the calming sounds, but also the impact of barometric pressure. This change in pressure can improve your chances of enjoying a night of quality rest, relief from insomnia with minimal disruptions, and a greater sense of alertness and energy the following morning.
The Effect of Barometric Pressure
As night approaches, your body produces melatonin, which increases throughout the night, helping you sleep. You’ll know when this process starts as you’ll begin to feel drowsy or tired, which is a sign that you’re ready for bed.
When the weather unexpectedly changes, either during the day or night, a storm brings low light, which can trigger melatonin production earlier than usual.
Barometric pressure, also known as atmospheric pressure, is caused by the weight of the air, which can fluctuate based on the weather. While air is relatively light, contained in the earth’s atmosphere, and can easily be affected by changes in the climate.
While low pressure is typically associated with high altitudes, it also occurs during a storm or rainy weather. Essentially, this results in less air, as it becomes lighter above you, which can profoundly affect your ability to sleep.

Barometric Pressure and Sleep
While a drop in air pressure during a storm can support a good night’s rest, if the change in pressure occurs without any change in weather, you may experience the opposite effect and find it difficult to sleep well.
When low barometric pressure occurs during heavy rain or a thunderstorm, these elements combine to create soothing sounds, improving your sleep throughout the night.
During low pressure and calm, storm sounds are ideal for sleeping, and you may find that a sudden loud clap of thunder or bright lightning can disrupt your slumber, having the opposite effect.
If a storm brings a colder temperature, you may experience discomfort if you have a chronic condition, such as arthritis or muscle pain. Cold and damp conditions can make it challenging to get comfortable for sleep, while warmer weather during a thunderstorm can be therapeutic and relaxing.
How Storm Sounds Improve Your Sleep
As low barometric pressure can have a variety of effects on the mind and body, the soothing sounds of raindrops, distant thunder, and wind can help you relax and sleep better at night.
Since weather conditions are beyond our control, you’ll find the benefits of storm sounds ideal from your iPhone or mobile device, whether you choose your favorite thunderstorm or rain sounds from Google Play, Spotify, or one of our soundscape albums.
Consistent background sounds that help you relax can have a long-term advantage on your sleeping habits. While stormy weather can happen anytime, it’s essential to ensure you sleep well during the night and get enough exposure to natural light during the day to help your body produce the correct hormones for a healthy sleeping schedule or circadian rhythm.

Preparing for a Good Night’s Rest With Storm Sounds
As you prepare for sleep, you must ensure your room is dark, quiet, and without distractions. If you enjoy aromatherapy, you may find lavender, rose, or chamomile can ease any stress from the day and help you relax as you listen to storm sounds for sleeping on your headphones or sound system.
Make sure you wear loose-fitting clothes, so you won’t feel any restrictions when you stretch and practice breathing exercises.
The combination of a dark, quiet, and calm atmosphere with the different sounds of distant thunder and raindrops can simulate the effects of sleepiness without the unpredictable results of barometric pressure, which may or may not help you rest.
Storm sounds and relaxing white noise can give you the same sensation of nature without the stark contrast of thunder or sudden lightning so that you can rest with a soothing soundscape throughout the night.
Final Thoughts
One of the best ways to improve the quality of your sleep includes setting a routine, clearing away any distractions or electronics, and practicing meditation or yoga prior to rest. These activities slow down your mind, so you can release yourself from any harmful, stressful thoughts and focus on a calming, restful night of sleep.
Thunderstorm sounds for deep sleep enhance your environment by giving you the benefits of natural sounds, whether you listen for an hour after a stressful day, throughout the night as background noise, or when relaxing.