Our Score:
Our Score:
Our Score:
Our Score:
Our Score:
Sri Swami Satchidananda
Alan Watts
B.K.S. Iyengar
Darren Rhodes
Tai Morello
Our Score:
Sri Swami Satchidananda
Our Score:
Alan Watts
Our Score:
B.K.S. Iyengar
Our Score:
Darren Rhodes
Our Score:
Tai Morello
02/17/2025 06:54 am GMT

Living a life of balance that brings health, peace, and harmony is ideal for many people.

Unfortunately, few people know how to bring these benefits into their lives as it is not a part of social conditioning.

However, the Eastern philosophy and practice of yoga have been around for a long time. While many people do not realize how beneficial this practice is, they still seek a new way of living.

The best yoga books provide readers with the chance to learn about a new way of life.

Yoga brings health, peace, and balance in all areas, which is why more and more people look to this practice for relief. Our best yoga books mini-reviews will help you decide which book is your best buy.

Also, find out more about how yoga changes lives in the FAQs section of this Buying Guide.

Our mini-reviews on the best yoga books cover featured specs, benefits, drawbacks, additional features, and buying advice.

Look over the reviews for our five top best books about yoga to gain an idea of where to begin your search.

Best OVerall: The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali in paperback will take you on an in-depth journey into the world of yoga.

More than just a book to practice physical poses, this winner in our Buying Guide is also included in the best yoga books for home practice.

Featured specs

  • Author: Sri Swami Satchidananda
  • Pages: 272
  • Cover: Colorful book cover featuring the author in a yoga pose.


This book is among the most comprehensive guide on yoga and meditation that you can use throughout your lifetime.

If you are new to yoga, this best-selling yoga book covers the practice of Raja Yoga, covers the classic Sutras, physical yoga postures, meditation, and ethics.

You can find just about everything you ever wanted to know about how to follow a new spiritual path in this guide. Commentaries from the author are translated for your benefit and include wisdom for daily living.

As an expert on Raja yoga and having lived his life practicing this lifestyle, Sri Swami Satchidananda shows you how to achieve a life of balance.

Far more than any ordinary contemporary yoga book, this one gives you all the tools you need to achieve harmony in every aspect of your life.

Try this fountain of wisdom as one of the best yoga books to read and start changing your life for the better.


Unfortunately, the book cover shows the image of the 1990 paperback edition, so your purchase will reflect a different cover.

Also, the book is not available in hardcover, which is unfortunate since it is so iconic in the yoga world. One review suggests that the book contains contradicting Sutras which they found off-putting.

Extra features

This is among the best books about yoga, which is available in paperback. Additionally, you can purchase the audio version and listen to the teaching in your spare time.

You can also buy this book for Kindle, extending your options to absorb and practice this ancient wisdom.

Few other yoga sutra books include Sanskrit and translations, which many readers find valuable.

Buying advice

For readers who have an interest in yoga philosophy books, this one offers them a lifelong guide for lasting lifestyle changes.

If you wish to practice yoga physically and mentally to enjoy these and emotional benefits, this is one of those books that should be at the top of your list.

Runner Up: The Wisdom of Insecurity: A Message for an Age of Anxiety

The Wisdom of Insecurity: A Message for an Age of Anxiety

Although this paperback does not address yoga directly, the author is an expert in the field of meditation.

He draws from ancient wisdom in line with the work of Deepak Chopra to produce a piece of work that makes it one of the most intriguing yoga philosophy books.

Featured specs

  • Author: Alan Watts
  • Pages: 160
  • Cover: Basic blue, uncluttered cover design.


Alan Watts draws on years of experience in studying ancient philosophy to gift readers with his wisdom.

Although this is not the best yoga book for physical practice, it contains many guidelines to improve life from a mental and spiritual perspective.

Learn how to live life in the moment rather than wasting time and energy living in the past or future.

Living in the present makes life meaningful. If you want more meaning in your life, this is one of the best yoga books for beginners and experts.


This work is only available in paperback and is also only available in English. Some reader reviews suggest that this book is a lot of hot air without substance or practical guidelines.

Other readers opine that the use of words is also archaic and offers little insight into personal growth.

Extra features

This book is available on Kindle.

Buying advice

The Wisdom of Insecurity may seem like a curse rather than a valuable learning tool. If you always want to grow and improve, this little gem leads the way.

Whether you’re a beginner at yoga or an accomplished instructor, the best yoga books for home practice will support this new interest.

Alternative: Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

The best books on yoga and meditation are typically impressive and profound. This large volume of yoga wisdom exceeds all expectations in terms of the importance of learning it offers.

Featured specs

  • Author: B.K.S. Iyengar
  • Pages: 544
  • Cover: An elegant white background with an orange yoga pose design.


Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga is available in paperback and is genuinely one of the most amazing books on yoga and meditation.

It seems that everything you ever wanted to learn about this topic is contained in its pages. Readers will benefit from the detailed yoga position illustrations and the vital breathing exercises.

If you ever wondered about the importance of breathing practices in yoga and meditation, don’t miss out on the opportunity to add this book to your library.

The impressive wisdom and detail in its pages make it one of the best yoga books for teachers and seekers.


The biggest drawback about this best yoga book is the extent of its content, which some readers may find intimidating.

You can only purchase this book in paperback format.

Extra features

This book is available on Kindle.

Its most impressive features include practical guidelines for the physical practice of yoga and different breathing methods.

Buying advice

Light on Yoga is among the best yoga books to read and to practice yoga.

Whether you’re a beginner or a yoga expert or simply enjoy philosophy, this one is an eye-opener. You may even achieve enlightenment if you take these practices to heart.

Alternative: Yoga Resource Practice Manual

Yoga Resource Practice Manual

Among the many yoga books on the market, this one is the best yoga books for home practice because of its detail.

Featured specs

  • Author: Darren Rhodes
  • Pages: 484
  • Cover: Simple white and blue design with a yoga pose.


The Yoga Resource Practice Manual in paperback is the best yoga book for teachers or beginners. Rhodes creates an easy-to-follow instruction guide featuring more than 360 yoga positions in over 400 images.

Because Rhodes is a yoga teacher, readers benefit from his firsthand experience in teaching this practice.

Over and above yoga instruction, Rhodes adds tiny pearls of wisdom and wit throughout his pages to bring you one of the best books about yoga.


Rhodes’ best yoga book is only available in paperback. This is a pity as it doesn’t do justice to the black and white photo yoga positions.

Extra features

This best-selling yoga book shows how you can view it on your PC with Inkling. Readers may also find this to be the best buy Lenovo yoga book.

Following yoga positions are more straightforward when watching a screen, so don’t pass up the chance to get an e-book to help you with your yoga sessions.

Buying advice

Despite this book being marketed as available on Inkling via your PC, the information appears outdated.

Unless you’re purchasing a paperback version, it’s best to stay away from the electronic ones unless you have Kindle. Even then, check your options.

On the other hand, this book is an excellent choice to use as a Lenovo yoga book. Always see what formats are available when making book purchases online to avoid disappointment.

Alternative: The Yoga Beginner’s Bible

The Yoga Beginner's Bible

Morello brings you one of the best yoga books for beginners.

Anyone wanting to start their yoga practice will find this book comprehensive and a simple place to create new learning.

Featured specs

  • Author: Tai Morello
  • Pages: 108
  • Cover: Basic white and blue design with multiple yoga positions.


Morello’s no-nonsense yoga guide for beginners takes you through this practice from start to finish. Novices will find the book easy to follow and simple to practice basic yoga poses.

Through practicing daily yoga for just a few minutes, you will discover how your life improves.

Your emotional wellbeing improves, as does your mental state. Also, your physical health starts to improve and gets better the longer you follow the instructions in this book.


Despite being the best yoga book for beginners, several readers comment on how complex some poses are towards the end of the book.

However, with enough practice in easier positions, you can become proficient enough to try the more difficult ones. The paperback version is cheap-looking, which is quite discouraging.

Extra features

This book is well illustrated, making it an excellent choice as the best yoga book for home practice.

Buying advice

Follow this read as a Lenovo yoga book to make your practice sessions easier to follow.

Yoga books FAQs

People often become interested in yoga for its physical health benefits. But yoga is far more than simply taking care of your body.

The act of focusing on breathing while doing stretching exercises is more holistic than most other exercise forms. Yoga also embraces a life philosophy of continual growth that includes the whole person, rather than just the body.

Learn how a brief 15 minutes of this practice can benefit your overall health. Want to do yoga at home?

No problem, you can find the best books on yoga and meditation to start you on your new path to overall health.

Our FAQs section also explains how great yoga is and whether you can tone your body by engaging in this practice. Read on to discover the many delights of yoga and how you can use this exercise form to improve your life exponentially.

Are 15 minutes of yoga a day enough?

A mere 15 minutes of exercising and deep breathing daily on your yoga mat generates a vast range of benefits.

Although it is surprising that such a short time engaging in this practice can be so beneficial, science backs up this claim with evidence.

  • One study found that just 10 minutes of daily yoga increases balance and flexibility. Participants in this study only practiced yoga twice a week for ten weeks, indicating incredible improvements. Follow the practices in the best books about yoga if you prefer to exercise in a comfortable home environment.
  • According to another study, yoga is also a healthy way to increase physical strength. The best yoga books for beginners are an excellent way to boost your muscular strength if you aren’t fond of the gym.
  • Many of the best yoga books to read include exercises on how to increase your spinal health. Looking after your spine and back health is easy with yoga as this exercise is gentle on your body. If you experience back problems, note that yoga is an excellent method to enhance your posture and ease bending, which is proven by scientific studies.
  • Practicing yoga using some of the best-selling yoga books on the market has benefits even if you’re over 40. Heart health improves, circulation increases, and you can lower your harmful cholesterol levels. Enjoy these health improvements in combination with a dietary change because research proves that these results are accurate.
  • If you want to lose weight, yoga is easy on the joints and will help you lose weight in your midriff. Scientific studies also back this fact, so get the best yoga book to support your journey to natural weight loss.
  • The best books on yoga and meditation teach you deep breathing exercises and mindfulness. One study that reinforces an increase in mindfulness also demonstrates that anyone who practices yoga will frequently make healthier food choices.
  • Do you feel low in energy and want a natural boost to feel alive again? Some of the best yoga books for home practice will help you achieve your goal. Build your 15-minute yoga sessions up to 25 minutes, and you will notice a significant improvement in your energy levels. This is another yoga fact which research supports.

Anyone who practices yoga for a short time every day can also anticipate improvements in their sleep, concentration, life quality, and breathing.

You can also expect to decrease inflammation naturally, feel happier, more confident, and live a life devoid of stress.

Can I learn yoga through books?

Many people don’t want the stress of driving to a yoga studio and doing yoga in groups. While groups can be supportive, they can also be a little distracting.

Anyone who prefers to exercise at home can easily practice yoga by following the instructions in the best yoga books for home practice.

The best books about yoga provide detailed instructions for breathing and poses.

Typically, the best yoga books about yoga also include clear images that are simple to follow. Purchase a yoga mat and get started with 15-minutes of daily practice to reap multiple health benefits.

Additionally, inform yourself about this valuable practice by reading yoga philosophy books or yoga sutra books. These books open up a new world to novices and experienced yoga practitioners, making yoga an even more mindful practice.

What is so great about yoga?


Where to begin answering this question?

There are multiple benefits from practicing yoga which make this a great way to exercise. The best yoga books to read include so much information about this topic.

The best yoga book provides instruction and probably has some information about the history of this ancient practice.

The best yoga books for teachers provide details on how to teach students. Beyond basic yoga information in books, the benefits described in the FAQ above should be enough to persuade most people of the advantages of yoga.

If you’re serious about studying and practicing yoga, then the yoga sutra books will give you an excellent idea of the extent of this ancient practice. The ten principles of yoga provide a life philosophy to live by, which encompasses:

  • Non-violence (ahimsa)
  • Truthfulness (Satya)
  • Righteousness (asteya)
  • Wisdom (brahmacharia)
  • Simplicity (aparigraha)
  • Worship of the spiritual goal (Ishvara-pranidhana)
  • Sacrifice the ego (shaucha)
  • Self-discipline (tapas)
  • Reading (svadhyaya)
  • Contentment (santosha)

Combine these ten principles of yoga with the multitude of health benefits, and it is impossible not to understand what is so great about yoga.

If any of this information makes you feel excited about this gentle practice, then any of the best yoga books to read will support your new interest.

Once you start practicing yoga, your mindfulness increases. As you grow more consciously aware of your thoughts, you make better decisions.

Stress falls away as your ego begins to take a backseat in your life. You still face challenges in life, but your ability to overcome them with ease drastically improves.

Continue practicing, and later you will reach a stage of deep contentment with yourself and your environment. Life becomes bliss.

The excellent news is that you can achieve these goals by reading the best books about yoga and engaging in this practice.

Can you get toned from yoga?

If your posture can improve along with your strength and stamina, then yoga also tones your muscles. Stretching is the primary element of yoga practice, which helps tone your muscles. Your muscles become toned with exercising and breathing.

Because your circulation improves, your pulse rate goes up, which works your heart. Combining these factors, together with weight loss through better eating habits, results in your muscles becoming more toned.

Also, you use your entire body in yoga, which means that you are constantly maneuvering your own weight. It’s unnecessary to go to the gym and lift weights to improve your physical strength and tone, as you get all of this from yoga and a lot more.

Some of the best yoga exercises to improve tone include:

  • The bridge yoga pose.
  • The yoga plank pose.
  • The four-limbed staff pose.
  • The chair pose.
  • The crescent lunge.
  • The side plank pose.

Any of the best yoga books for teachers will include these poses and many others. The best yoga books for beginners will also have these poses if the book focuses on beginner, intermediate, and advanced poses.

You can be confident that yoga increases your pulse rate and strength, which improves muscle tone. Practice yoga daily and enjoy how your body and life improve in the process.


The best yoga books give you everything you need to become the healthy, robust, and agile individual you desire to be.

All you have to get to practice yoga is a mat or a soft rug. Learn more from the multitude of yoga philosophy books available and start your new endeavor.

Go deeper into this wise art and use yoga sutra books to deepen your sense of wellbeing. Combine yoga practice with mindful meditation and set yourself up for a peaceful life.

When you practice yoga and meditation, you gain control over your emotions, thoughts, and reactions to life.

We trust that our Buying Guide and FAQs section answer many of your questions. Our wish is that you embrace yoga on a physical and mental level with the best yoga books to augment your life quality.


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